Saturday, January 30, 2010

Male Genital Tatoo How Do You Feel About A Law That Forbids Infant Male Genital Mutilation?

How do you feel about a law that forbids infant male genital mutilation? - male genital tatoo


1. The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis, with more than 20,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, compared to almost 8,000.

2. Anyone who violates the rights of the child, because it is made without the consent of the

3. No, this is not religion as an excuse, because it is the opium of the people,

4. Foot and children, torture is a crime against humanity!


oldgit said...

I feel good about it!

Zeitgeis... said...

I do not think that this kind of law to fly for this reason:
The circumcision, also known as female genital male infant has become a norm in American society. Men who are not circumcised penis and do it, because women can work in this country with the foreskin. No one wants a sexual outsider in a society whose primary value of money, appearance and gender.
I will be born (and raised in Europe), I see nothing wrong with the foreskin itself, but when it comes to preference, I prefer circumcised men. Not a big difference, and although the man right, I could not cope with his foreskin.
And yes, it's mutilation. I work in a hospital and care for several medical procedures of this type. Sometimes it is so painful that the child maintain, refuses for one or two days. And it's barbaric, but it is more civilized, "" we live circumcision is one of the smallest tribute is paid to live in the States. Women find it much more difficult, try to consider hair removal, cosmetic Systems endless. Training for local authoritiest like a man receives circumcision once.

Rosemons... said...

He was with two Jewish men (and not married at the same time! Lol!) For a total of 22 years and the common feeling among the men, circumcised is that everything must be re-done if necessary. It's not about religion (though still an apology () or any other health excuse), but an aesthetic. Circumcised men believe that uncircumcised penis is ugly and unattractive. Most of the time when the parents that their children think about your future sex life and acceptable to women in their culture.

It is wrong to maul a child in a manner unnecessarily to the end? Of course. But these cultures have ways scar in women (, tattoos, etc.) from the beginning of time. It is therefore only babies in the West are also concerned about or to millions of children of the tribes, many of which involve the human pain and mutilation of the road? Because it seems that we should not differ from each other.

Rosemons... said...

He was with two Jewish men (and not married at the same time! Lol!) For a total of 22 years and the common feeling among the men, circumcised is that everything must be re-done if necessary. It's not about religion (though still an apology () or any other health excuse), but an aesthetic. Circumcised men believe that uncircumcised penis is ugly and unattractive. Most of the time when the parents that their children think about your future sex life and acceptable to women in their culture.

It is wrong to maul a child in a manner unnecessarily to the end? Of course. But these cultures have ways scar in women (, tattoos, etc.) from the beginning of time. It is therefore only babies in the West are also concerned about or to millions of children of the tribes, many of which involve the human pain and mutilation of the road? Because it seems that we should not differ from each other.

LadyBug said...

I was married to an uncircumcised man for 22 years and, like most men who are circumcised with oral sex, which I like - the man. I will be asked countless times in recent years, circumcised, and he refused. And so I've never had sexual intercourse, oral, what I wanted, because I feel hated by his penis into her mouth, hard or not. That all the excess skin that was so was disgusting. It was clean, never had infections or the like. But still difficult for me to want to do what he was enough for it, wanted to choke a goat. Give me a good old penis circumcised at any time.

cobra said...

Number 4 says that this is not an issue, but a polemic.
But I think that boys and men are generally good with their foreskin and cutting, it is not justified. If I were a man who was very angry that my parents with my body so intimately and pretentious mess decided.
The game with the religious practice is a horse of another color.
Female genital mutilation, and that makes me boil with rage.

wanderin... said...

FGM is illegal in the United States, but that the abuse of children.

However, circumcision, because it seems to be what you speak is not a mutilation. Do not alter the function of male reproductive organs. It is that female circumcision.

And I do not think that the numbers are right on the nerve endings. Everything I read indicates that they are roughly the same number.

EDIT: Ah-ha! I understand why their numbers sound bad to me. The figures for the clitoris are correct, but you want to compare the wrong parts of the anatomy. The clitoris is the female counterpart of the glans at the tip of the penis, not the foreskin. And the girls are almost twice as many nerve endings there. What you need to compare the foreskin is the hood of the clitoris. but personally I find no comparison in terms of the sensitivity of these two items myself.

However, I found the following: "Male circumcision: Global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and"Acceptance (PDF). World Health Organization 22. Http:// ..." Although it has been argued that circumcision is sexual function following decreases due to the removal of the foreskin nerve endings and the subsequent thickening of the epithelium of the glans, there is little evidence for this and studies are contradictory. "

wanderin... said...

FGM is illegal in the United States, but that the abuse of children.

However, circumcision, because it seems to be what you speak is not a mutilation. Do not alter the function of male reproductive organs. It is that female circumcision.

And I do not think that the numbers are right on the nerve endings. Everything I read indicates that they are roughly the same number.

EDIT: Ah-ha! I understand why their numbers sound bad to me. The figures for the clitoris are correct, but you want to compare the wrong parts of the anatomy. The clitoris is the female counterpart of the glans at the tip of the penis, not the foreskin. And the girls are almost twice as many nerve endings there. What you need to compare the foreskin is the hood of the clitoris. but personally I find no comparison in terms of the sensitivity of these two items myself.

However, I found the following: "Male circumcision: Global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and"Acceptance (PDF). World Health Organization 22. Http:// ..." Although it has been argued that circumcision is sexual function following decreases due to the removal of the foreskin nerve endings and the subsequent thickening of the epithelium of the glans, there is little evidence for this and studies are contradictory. "

asphyxia derailed said...

I was circumcised, and I have no qualms about him. In fact I do not think think that many people. My parents do not take the decision because it is religious or because they tried to rape me, just made the decision. I think that such a law (a setback for freedom in this "" that the United States is so religiously sought is theoretically impossible to achieve in the first place) would be.

babysnoo... said...

I agree with you when you talk about circumcision. Let me explain why:
1. If a baby has forgotten pain (for example, will ear piercing)
2. easier to clean.
3. less chance of infection.
4. looks better
Since paracetamol 5.They if it does not really worry about as a child.
6.are you kidding?
7. If you decide a child is not alone, their parents, what's in your interest if you so choose, that their rights are not violated and his parents made the decision they consider what is best for you.

All hat said...

It is against the law maul on the male genitalia of children. Circumcision is mutilation. I challenge the assertion that the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.

Doom Shepherd said...

I'm against a law that cites Karl Marx, the prophet of the Red God of destruction, not as a fool.

Marxism is the opium of the people really are.

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