Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Uterine Cancer Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms Why Is The Cancer Death Rate Higher In Great Britain Than The US?

Why is the cancer death rate higher in Great Britain than the US? - uterine cancer diagnosis more condition_symptoms

Had something to do with the long waits and rationing health care? Well done, Dems ... We are on the way! 0bamacare All Hail!

The Lancet Oncology reports that cancer patients living in the U.S. more than anywhere else in the world.

"American women are 63 percent chance to live at least five years after diagnosis of cancer, compared to 56 percent of women in Europe.

"For American men, the figures are even more dramatic. Sixty-six percent of American men live five years after diagnosis of cancer, but only 47 percent of European men.'s Cancers that affect women exclusively, the survival rate for cancer of the uterus 5 percentage points higher in the United States than the European average and 14 percent of breast cancer. Among the cancers that relate to or primarily just the people are the survival rates for prostate cancer by 28 percent in the United States and bladder cancer, 15 percent higher.

The British Health Service to pay the costs of resource maintenance of long waits for service. The ManhaDr. David Gratzer reports ttan Institute estimates that 20 percent of patients with lung cancer as a treatable, though Colombia has been placed on the waiting list for chemotherapy or radiotherapy, when they deal with incurable. ...


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